Dear God,
It's been a long time since I've felt led to write here.  For whatever reason, I'm feeling a definite longing to tonight...

I'm not really sure where our relationship is...probably best described as a work in progress, and likely it always will be able to be described that way.  I feel like I've been kind of lousy at my end of things but have been doing okay with my Bible readings and devotionals.

I haven't been to church since Christmas Eve service...and that I pretty much always make sure to go to.  I know it isn't mandatory but it would be nice to meet and fellowship with some others who are like minded.

I'm more aware lately of how lonely I feel and yet I still have the hardest of times getting out with people.  I feel like I'm spinning in circles half the time.  I don't feel like I'm making any progress as time goes by...but I know I must be...and I know you've held me up more then once when I didn't think I could get through something.

Lord, help me connect with people who You'd like me to connect to.  Help it not be such a battle just to get up and out of bed before half the day is over.  Help me serve you.  Father I pray for Your guidance.  I want my actions to be from You and for You.  Lead me through each day and task. Lord I NEED YOU NOW!!!

Thank you to a special friend, L, for introducing me to this song earlier tonight.



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