Long, Long Time

Well, hello!

It's been quite some time.  Who knew it would be this long between entries...that I'd, first of all, take such an unplanned break, second that I'd come back. Ha!  Well, here I am.

I'm sorry it's been so long.

Dear Father, you know I have not neglected You. But perhaps my writing I have.  This seems to be how I connect with You best. And oh how I long to better connect with You.

I read my devotionals, but I have such trouble absorbing, I have such trouble following in my day-to-day walk.  I want to be a shining example of Your love and light but this darn human flesh is weak and there are so many distractions.  That's not to say I'm trying to make excuses, it's just fact. I'm definitely a flawed human, but then, aren't we all.

That said, I'd like to attempt to recommit to these writings and trying to process my life and processes in a way that I connect better with You.

So, goals for the next while: start writing here again, learn how Blogger has changed so I can properly update and format things, live a life more Christ-focused. Darn human weakness and temptations will make it a challenge but I'd like to start making more of an effort. 

Let's see how this goes!  :)


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